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Online Psychologist | BORA ERGUDEN
Capellen, Luxembourg


Psychologist BORA ERGUDEN







30 mins
25.00 £

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About Therapist

I obtained my psychology degree from Aix-Marseille University, which we can call the heart of psychoanalysis in Europe. After that I did a psychoanalysis degree at Paris University, which is also a renowned center of psychoanalysis. Naturally, I have an analytic orientation to therapy.

I don’t think that the therapy should provide people with fast life hacks that will make them better overnight. Such a superficial approach can only seemingly make a person better. More often, a symptom that disappears will simply be replaced by another symptom unless the root cause of the issue is determined.

In my therapeutic approach, we will be taking a journey towards the the depths of your personality and explore those aspects of your mind that are unknown even to you. With time and patience we will be discovering your unconscious and finding out the root cause of your problems instead of making superficial adjustments to your living.

--- FRANÇAIS ---

Après avoir terminé mes études de psychologie à l’Université d’Aix-Marseille, j’ai fait un diplôme universitaire sur la psychanalyse à l’Université de Paris. Naturellement, j’ai une orientation analytique.

Je ne pense pas que le métier de thérapeute soit celui de fournir son patients des solutions vite faites qui changeront sa vie. Une telle approche peut donner l’impression de l’efficacité thérapeutique au premier coup d’oeil. Pourtant en réalité un symptôme qui disparait va être bientôt remplacé par un autre et le problème en soi persistera tant que sa cause n’est pas adressée.

Dans mon approche thérapeutique, on va commencer un voyage aux profondeurs de votre personnalité et explorer ces aspects de votre psyché qui sont inconnus même à vous. Avec de la patience, on va découvrir votre insconscient et adresser les causes réelles de vos problèmes au lieu de faire des ajustements superficiels à votre vie.
--- TÜRKÇE ---

Avrupa’da psikanalizin kalbi denebilecek Aix-Marseille Üniversitesi’nde psikoloji diplomamı aldıktan sonra, Paris Üniversite’sinde psikanaliz üzerine eğitim gördüm. Doğal olarak, analitik bir terapi yaklaşımını takip etmekteyim.

Psikoloğun işinin, insanlara yaşamlarını değiştirecek hızlı ve hazır çözümler sunmak olduğunu düşünmüyorum. Böyle bir yaklaşım, ilk bakışta etkiliymiş gibi görünse de, zaman içinde ortadan kaldırılan semptomlar, yerlerini yeni semptomlara bırakmaktadırlar. Dolayısıyla, sorunların kökenlerine inmek gerekmektedir.

Benim terapi yaklaşımımda, sizin benliğinizin derinlerine bir yolculuk yapacağız ve zihninizin sizin dahi farkında olmadığınız yanlarını ortaya çıkacağız. Zaman içinde, sabırla, bilinçdışınızı keşfedecek ve hayatınızda kimi yüzeysel değişiklikler yapmak yerine sorunlarınızın gerçek kökenlerini tespit edip, bunlar üzerine çalışacağız.

Available Services

Psychotherapy Session

4 Completed Sessions

Psychotherapy is a great tool for mental health that helps people to cope with various problems such as anxiety, depression, personality disorders, phobias and many others. Even if you don't experience any of these, psychotherapy can help you feel better simply by giving you the opportunity to share your thoughts and feelings with a therapist in a welcoming atmosphere.

50.00 £

50 mins

Schedule an Appointment

5 Sessions of Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy is most powerful when it's on a regular basis. Therefore, if you are willing to consult me regularly, you could prefer a package session.

230.00 £

50 mins

Schedule an Appointment

10 Sessions of Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy is most powerful when it's on a regular basis. Therefore, if you are willing to consult me regularly, you could prefer a package session.

450.00 £

50 mins

Schedule an Appointment

Work Experiences

  • Psychology Intern Paris Simone-Veil Hospital


    I worked as a psychology intern at Paris Simone-Veil Hospital.

  • Psychology Intern Erturk Psychiatry Clinic


    I worked as a psychology intern at a private clinic.


  • Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne 19.09.2016 - 17.05.2019

    Bachelor's Degree

    Diploma verified

  • Aix-Marseille 16.09.2019 - 23.04.2021

    Bachelor's Degree

    Diploma verified

Certificates & Seminars

  • Psychanalyse / Psychoanalysis (Post-Freudienne) 20.09.2021

    A full year psychoanalysis degree of Universite de Paris (ongoing)

    Certificate verified

  • Psychopathologie de l'adulte 27.04.2021

    Adult Psychopathology

    Certificate verified

  • Psychopathologie de l'enfant et d'adolescent 27.04.2021

    Child and adolescent psychopathology

    Certificate verified

  • Etude de cas (Clinique) 27.04.2021

    Case Study (Clinical)

    Certificate verified

  • Travail d'étude et de recherche (L'hypnose thérapeutique) 27.04.2021

    Research Study (Therapeutic Hypnosis)

    Certificate verified

  • Entretien Clinique 27.04.2021

    Clinical Interview

    Certificate verified

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